Top 6 Applications Of Artificial Intelligence In Real Life 2020

In this era, the use of artificial intelligence is growing rapidly across different sectors, such as in education,  digital-media, health-care etc. We got you few applications of artificial intelligence in real-world across various sectors which are growing rapidly.

Artificial Intelligence in Education

AI in education is such an important tool for this generation and will be the most important key tool for coming generations, as it will surely do the maximum of activities in the education sector. AI plays a significant role in grading the marks of students in MCQ based questions and by far it works perfectly, it helps to develop 3-D based images which help the students to understand the concepts more clearly.

ARTIFICial Intelligence in Health Care 

In healthcare, AI is doing a very good job in easing the workload of doctors as well as analysing the issues. It helps in diagnosing the disease as accurate as possible, predicting ICU transfers, medical testing, improving clinical workflow, claim fraud detection, predicting hospital-acquired infections predicting hospital readmission, safety precautions and also predict the likelihood of medical eligibility.

Artificial Intelligence in Business

In business AI is very useful for companies to analyse various project reports, it automatically processes the business functions, it automatically analyse the business statistics and business insights by using the data, it helps in engaging with the employees and the business clients using chatbots, automail etc., it helps to make the business decisions fasters with the help of data provided and also it optimises the business task much quicker than usual.

Artificial Intelligence in Automobile

In the automobile, AI is doing such a great job. Driverless cars are the major example of AI in the automobile industry, companies like Tesla is the best example who is coming up with great AI-based cars and continuously they are launching advanced AI feature cars in their lineup. It helps in automatically navigate the vehicle even in the most complex traffic situations, automatically detect obstacles, helps the driver in decision making while driving, helps in setting up of right temperature inside the car depending upon the situation also more impressively it works with animals like a dog with there ‘Dog Mode’ feature, also it helps us to automatically adjust the seat depend upon the height and weight for the comfort of driver and passenger.

Artificial Intelligence in Cyber-Security

Cyber Security in AI does a very crucial role to sort the high-risk data and low-risk data which can get hack which result in helping the cyber team to analyse and focuses more on those data which have more risk to get the hack. AI also help to remove unwanted data from the system to ensure safe security, it also detects the cyber threat and cyber risk automatically.

Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

AI in digital marketing is in its initial phase and probably the major option in future to analyse the statistics of a company or your media channels. It helps to analyse large data which results in understanding the issue for the marketing team to understand customer needs and what actually they prefer or the product they are looking for. Few examples are E-Commerce websites, the campaign of various products through email marketing, SMS, social applications, prints and television advertisement.

We hope this information helped you to know about the various Applications of Artificial Intelligence, will be back with yet another interesting topic.

That’s all for now, we will soon bring a few more Applications of Artificial Intelligence.


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